
Taichiwear is committed to making this website easy to use for all visitors.  We aim to meet the provisions of the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines)

For more information go to  

We also aim to comply with guidance on website design and accessibility. If you are having difficulty in finding a page, click here to view our sitemap.

What does this mean to people visiting our website?

  • No use of frames in the main section of the website
  • Use of alternative text descriptions (ALT text) to describe the content of images
  • Text only and change contrast areas of the website to provide an alternative non-graphical way of finding your way around the site.
  • Access keys and use of the Tab key is used to define main areas of the website and aid navigation.
  • We maintain a standard layout to help you find your way around the site
  • Text size and background colours can be altered via the web browser